For almost 35 years Lba has been developing and producing innovative abrasive systems and patented products for specific applications in the main industry sectors. For the company the 2017 has been a year full of goals, projects and a lot of new ideas for the future.
One of the goals to highlight is the achievement of the ISO 9001: 2015 certification. The company, already in possession of the ISO 9001: 2008 certification, at the end of the year has obtained, with great success, the update to the new version. Furthermore the 2017 was the year of #Grana birth, the new Lba magazine, an updating platform on the topical issues and experimentations related to the world of
surface finishing through the use of coated abrasives. #Grana is a new communication and observation tool of Lba’s world from a selected
and authoritative point of view, an instrument to keep up to date about the values and solutions that the company carries out every day to tell something more about itself. “Let’s Go Green” is the cover story of this first number of #Grana and is the Lba project created to point out the eco-friendly soul of the company and the solutions adopted during 2017 to increase the sensibility to sustainability, both inside and
outside the company. It follows that sanding goes sustainable, especially when it’s made by high performance abrasive products, that can estabilish new standards in terms of durability, constancy and finish, with tangible benefits for the customers in terms of increased production efficiency, decreased consumption and so decreased wastes production. We are talking about abrasive products that are “worker friendly”, because easy to use and able to improve the working environment with less dust.
The 2017 was the year of the new claim “Your best way to finish”, the Lba manifesto for a new finishing culture: a set of values, ideas and beliefs that every day the company pursues with passion and determination for a new finishing culture diffusion, aware that the correct use of an abrasive is of fundamental importance in achieving the desired surface result. Faithful to the new mission and to the new sanding manifesto, for the 2018 Lba is already full of new national and internation appointments not to be missed!
From 20 to 22 February 2018, for the first time, Lba participated at Simac Tanning Tech, the international event with the most qualified offer of machinery and technologies for the footwear, leather goods and tanning industries, which takes place in Milan, concurrently with Lineapelle. The Innovation Tour continued with the Dubai WoodShow from 12 to 14 March 2018, with a strong focus on the HP & HT series of patented products and on the new finishes by Finishing Lab, the R&D center that is collaborating 360 degrees with the architecture and design world and in general with every research and development entities focused on surface finishing. The aim of the lab is to create new finishes achievable through simple production processes, in a synergy between sanding machines, innovative abrasive belts and…human creativity! Choosing Lba as a partner means take the first step towards a surface optimization path, with tangible results in terms of health, quality, performance and efficiency.
Lba: a year of sustainability for a new finishing culture
Lba: a year of sustainability for a new finishing culture
ultima modifica: 2018-03-08T15:34:19+00:00