Another contribution arrived from the company TWT based in Rovereto (Trento) through the words of
the president and Ceo Filippo Pellitteri.

Filippo Pellitteri
President and Ceo TWT (Rovereto, Trento)

  1. How are you reacting to this emergency?

“At the beginning, to be honest, there was a moment of dismay and deep concern for what was happening. Then, as an entrepreneur, I reacted to the situation even thinking about the welfare of my employees and their families. Then we arranged to ensure as far as possible after-sales service and technical support working remotely. We therefore remained available to our customers for every need via telephone, email or even conference call. I am focusing on when the future reopening will take place by carrying out new projects to be presented on the market”.

  1. What do you think is changing or will change radically?

“In my opinion, it will radically change the way of life of all of us. The recovery will certainly be slow and linked to several factors that are difficult to predict. In the company will increase and reinforce trends already in place such as automation, digital technology and “smart working” where possible”.

  1. What should the authorities and all of us do?

“I think that the authorities are doing everything possible to handle this dramatic situation. The entrepreneur must be found ready for a recovery that, however, will not be at full capacity. For us the first thing will be to respond to requests remained outstanding, particularly from foreign markets”.




CONTRIBUTION 09 – Twt ultima modifica: 2020-04-11T10:01:14+00:00 da Luca