From Turkey, the cordinator for Export & Import of Bursa-based company Tece, is answering our questions…


Abdullah Coskunuzer
Coordinator for Export & Import TECE (Bursa, Turkey)


  1. How are you reacting to this emergency?

“At Tece, well-being and safety of our employees and their families are more important than anything else. To this end, we have implemented preventive measures from asking the most vulnerable to stay home, and for the rest to requiring hygiene principles throughout the company, to making sure that the social distancing is obeyed at both office and production. To make it stricter, we paused most of our production till April 13th. While we take these measures, we know that our employees and suppliers depend on us financially, and we make sure that Tece employees and suppliers are safe in this regard”.

  1. What do you think is changing or will change radically?

As number of Corona cases is increasing, the pandemic is getting more complicated and creating major challenges to every country around the world.
Our sense of security, our values and perceptions are changing. And based on variable scales, countries, populations and businesses will also be more selective and aware in the future, politically as well as ecologically

  1. What should the authorities and all of us do?

Solidarity and awareness is required on multiple levels during this complicated period of time.
The past weeks have demonstrated: only together and by following simple rules, we can succeed in overcoming this crisis with cooperation, unity and meticulous efforts
As Tece,
we’re taking all possible steps to continue serving our customers, some of whom are relying on us to provide products which would be used in hospital industries”.



CONTRIBUTION 18 – Tece ultima modifica: 2020-04-15T18:28:09+00:00 da Luca