CONTRIBUTION 20 – Bup Utensili

“The emergency “Covid-19” has surely caught us all by surprise and unprepared to a situation never seen or experienced before, our company reacted promptly by making available to the employees all the necessary medical devices…


Giorgio Battistelli
sales manager BUP UTENSILI (Pesaro, Pesaro Urbino)

  1. How are you reacting to this emergency?

“The emergency “Covid-19” has surely caught us all by surprise and unprepared to a situation never seen or experienced before, our company reacted promptly by making available to the employees all the necessary medical devices respecting the directives of the DPCM on distance between people, we remained operational until the last day that we were allowed and we equipped the sales office and a person of the technical office with the tools for smartworking trying to give all the support possible to our sales network, distributors and importers all over the world”.

  1. What do you think is changing or will change radically?

“In my opinion, communication is changing, I believe that we must have a different approach to our usual way of working, made up of many direct meetings with customers, agents, distributors, suppliers that has always given us excellent results and is the methodology that certainly allows to have the best possible results. Probably we will have to equip ourselves more, with tools suitable for remote communication, conference calls, webinars, publications on social networks, websites where you can talk or other existing methodologies to be able to contact customers and inform them without having direct meetings, of course we all hope to return to normal life as soon as possible but we know that the journey will be long, we do not know when it will be possible to start organizing fairs and events as in the past and this will help us to be more in touch with our sales team and our customers”.

  1. What should the authorities and all of us do?

“The authorities must allow companies to survive and continue to employ people, ways must be found to reopen businesses, restart production and also ensure proper competition with other European countries that currently have not completely closed production creating difficulties to Italian companies  (at least in our sector where competition with Germany is the hardest for us)
From our side, as companies, we must take all necessary measures to ensure safety in the workplace in order to be able to resume production as soon as possible by supporting our sales network and our customers who are still working and who need new machinery and tools that, if not found by us, will be requested elsewhere with the consequent loss of market for our companies.
This is what I feel like saying in a difficult moment for everyone, we must react and safeguard our work and our country”.


CONTRIBUTION 20 – Bup Utensili ultima modifica: 2020-04-16T12:00:08+00:00 da Luca