“Luckily in Dalso a few years ago we were forward-looking and we changed to a new location. Here we don’t have space problems both in the production department and in the offices and initially we organized ourselves by adapting the workstations to respect those distances…

Lucio Dal Soglio
owner DALSO (Schio, Vicenza)

  1. How are you reacting to this emergency?

“Luckily in Dalso a few years ago we were forward-looking and we changed to a new location. Here we don’t have space problems both in the production department and in the offices and initially we organized ourselves by adapting the workstations to respect those distances that are needed to protect each other. Later on, we finally found the personal protective equipment and proceeded to start the work phase remotely thanks to an internal IT system that allowed us to minimize the inconvenience. We therefore tried to accelerate as much as possible and as long as it was possible, due to our full order book, while reducing health risks to zero”.

  1. What do you think is changing or will change radically?

“We manufacture automation and automation is the technological future for excellence. We are sure that the request will increase a lot in the next future. Today, more than ever, automation is the option to limit the damage caused by a lack of manpower and thus maintain productivity at high levels. With this crisis we discover what we already had to know: human contribution must focus on activities that create higher added value and the low-labour production activities (which are also the riskiest in this period) must be replaced by automatic systems. Perhaps this is the real Smart Working: automation is one of the best ways to avoid endangering the health of the employers, guaranteeing their safety even in normal times. From another point of view, I am convinced that the relationship and human contact, once the storm is over, will return to be very important, indeed we will try to make up for lost time. After the social distancing during the “Spanish” epidemic, immediately a period of very strong human social relations returned back”.

  1. What should the authorities and all of us do?

“On the political aspect, I would not like to go too far except that they have to leave us in a position to work safely. Blocking everything up to an uncertain date could do as many serious damages as the virus, creating an explosive mix. On my side, I am a person who looks ahead, does not give up and fights against difficulties. You have to be optimistic in a sensible way and with the utmost reasonableness but optimistic. Anyone who does a job like mine must always look ahead!”.

CONTRIBUTION 22 – Dalso ultima modifica: 2020-04-16T17:30:44+00:00 da Luca