Against the war: the appeal of Ukrainian journalist Vasyl Masyuk of Derevoobrobnyk magazine

We receive and share with pleasure the appeal of a dear friend, the Ukrainian journalist Vasyl Masyuk. In the hope that this war can end as soon as possible and that the world will recover some sense, we invite you to read his words.
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Dear World woodworkers and foresters, furniture makers and carpenters!

You know about the war against Ukraine. Maybe some of you know me, Vasyl Masyuk, editor of the “Derevoobrobnyk” newspaper and chairman of the non-profit association “Forestry and Woodworking Development Institute” (IRLID).

On February 24, 2022, our lives changed. Trade journalism and advertising have become obsolete. Soldiers, volunteers, doctors, and people to help refugees were needed. What I felt at that moment. At first, there was fear and hope for the Army. The Army has completed its task and the enemy’s blitzkrieg was failed. Surprised by the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian People, the enemy began to destroy our cities and attack the civilians. The pain came.

Today, as I write this text, is the 9th day of the war. It is still scary, it still hurts. There is hope for the Army and the support of our partners, there is a belief in our victory. But also, there is anger at the enemy and the desire to be useful.

I also understand that it is just the beginning of the war. The war is going to last long, and this war is not only against Ukraine, it is against Europe, against free and democratic world. We are just at the forefront. A lot of people will lose their lives, their health, their roofs, their jobs.

We are supported by the whole democratic world! For the last few days, my colleagues and I have been receiving calls from our friends all over the World, offering shelters, asking what do we need, how to send money, how to help.

Yes, we do need help, and we will gratefully accept it. Our team stays in Ukraine to support our people and help them fight!

We are initiating the creation of a World Woodworkers and Foresters Solidarity Fund with Ukraine (#woodworkers&foresters4Ukraine). We are raising money to support families and businesses in our industry that have been suffering from Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.

Those who are ready to support Ukraine, contact us and we will agree on how to do it.

Our contacts:

Vasyl Masyuk mob. +38 093 323 9000 e-mail:

Lyudmyla Pshenytska mob. +38 093 323 9014 e-mail:


Vasyl Masyuk

Chairman of the Institute of Forestry and Wood Development,

Editor of the “Derevoobrobnyk” newspaper“.

Against the war: the appeal of Ukrainian journalist Vasyl Masyuk of Derevoobrobnyk magazine ultima modifica: 2022-03-17T10:54:55+00:00 da Francesco Inverso