Scm Cnc Timber-Evolution Days

12 October 2017 – 13 October 2017 all-day Europe/Rome Timezone
Sinalunga (Siena)

Scm wood technology solutions will be the protagonists of the open house that will be held on Thursday 12 and Friday, 13 October at the Sinalunga (Siena) production plant.
Two full days with industry experts to discover “Oikos” and “Area“, the two Scm working centres for structural beams and wooden modular wall elements. Technical demonstrations and software presentations will allow you to touch the technological evolution that Scm develops for this sector: wood construction is not only a trend but the smartest and most secure way to build houses, buildings and architectural structures that combine the beautiful with the sustainable.
Learn more on Scm Cnc Timber Evolution Days

Scm Cnc Timber-Evolution Days ultima modifica: 2017-09-14T09:07:33+00:00 da Luca