Wood-Furniture: plus 12 percent in 2022

More 12.7 percent compared to 2021, production reached 57 billion euros for a year that also closed on a positive note in terms of volumes. The 2022 of the wood-furniture supply chain turned out to be particularly positive despite major uncertainties at the global level, amid supply difficulties and the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. A result that “…rewards the work, quality and ability to innovate of a sector that is the flagship of our Made in Italy,” FederlegnoArredo stressed in its press release.

This is said by the Preconsuntivi 2022 (download the infographic HERE) elaborated by the FederlegnoArredo Study Center based on Istat, which show that the supply chain has reached a plus 12.7 percent on 2021, a summary of a plus 11.1 percent of the Furniture Macrosystem (production turnover is close to 29 billion euros), a plus 14.3 percent of the Wood Macrosystem (production turnover of more than 23 billion euros) and a plus 15 percent of the Wood Trade, which thus exceeds 4 billion euros.
As for the Italian market (value 35.6 billion euros), the growth of the supply chain reached plus 12.3 percent, thanks in particular to the positive contribution of the Wood Macrosystem, driven above all by the building finishes sectors (doors, windows, wood floors) that benefited from the various building bonuses.

Exports, which make up 37 percent of the total turnover volume of the wood-furniture supply chain, are estimated to grow by plus 13.3 percent, driven in particular by the United States (third destination behind France and a very short distance from Germany) although especially in the last quarter of the year a slowdown is evident. China, characterized in the past years by a particular dynamism with much more marked percentage changes in growth than other countries, remains in 2022 the seventh destination for our exports but, due to the closures decided by the Chinese government to combat the pandemic, it is among the top 10 markets in the chain, the one with the lowest growth (plus 4.8 percent). Growth in value also for imports (plus 31.5 percent), particularly from Austria in terms of wood raw material supply.

For the Furniture Macro System, positive trend for production turnover, which is close to 29 billion euros (plus 11.1 percent), while exports, which are worth 15.3 billion euros and account for 53 percent of total turnover, register a plus 12.6 percent compared to a domestic market (13.6 billion euros) at plus 9.4 percent. The main markets all show a positive sign, with the exception of Russia, which loses share by dropping out of the top ten destinations replaced by the United Arab Emirates.

The Lighting System, after the heavy downturn in 2020, determined in particular by the sector’s strong dependence on foreign markets, was back to pre-pandemic levels in 2021 and in 2022 has a production turnover of 2.5 billion euros up by plus 7.2 percent over 2021. Also positive is the export api plus 8.5 percent (value 1.9 billion), which weighs 76 percent of the total: among the main destinations are France, Germany and the United States, and it is the latter that has the most attractive growth rates. The change in the domestic market (plus 3 percent) is smaller.

Wood-Furniture: plus 12 percent in 2022 ultima modifica: 2023-02-20T14:25:44+00:00 da Francesco Inverso