SCM will not participate in Holz-Handwerk 2024

SCM will not be taking part in the next edition of Holz-Handwerk, due to be held in Nuremberg from 19 to 22 March 2024.
This is a decision consistent with both the Group’s investment plans, aimed at intensifying the direct organisation of open houses and tech tours at SCM’s plants around the world and with the strategy, introduced a few years ago, of optimising trade fair investments globally“, explained the company in the press release. “Furthermore, the suspension of its participation at the German trade fair in 2024 came about following careful analysis of the current social-economic contextual conditions and the relative business opportunities, in light also of the general uncertainties recorded in recent months on international markets, including the DACH area“.
As Pietro Gheller, Director of the Product&Markets at SCM’s Wood Division pointed out “…this decision does not exclude SCM from potentially returning to the trade fair in Nuremberg for future editions, conditions permitting”. And observes: “SCM will continue to focus on large international industry trade fair events as well as on the organisation of local events at its own plants around the world so it can be ever closer to its clients in a more capillary fashion, encouraging opportunities for exchange and relations which take into consideration specific local identities and demands”.

Directly organised Open Houses and local events entail investments in the various plants around the world. “On the subject of which, SCM recently inaugurated a new, state-of-the-art Technology Center at its Headquarters in Rimini: a strategic investment for all the Group’s subsidiaries around the world because it will allow them to host an increasing number of tech tours in a state-of-the-art digital and technological center organised with clients and dealers from all five continents.
Furthermore, SCM will soon complete the renovation work on the Technology Center at the German subsidiary in Nurtingen: there is now 60% more space to house a wider variety of SCM machines and plants and the opening will take place with an open house dedicated to the entire DACH area from 15 to 17 November.
The Group is also investing in the creation of new Technology Centers in other strategic markets like Spain, in the historical subsidiary at Sant Cugat, which will open at the end of November 2023, and in Italy, at the Elmag-Superfici plant in Villasanta (Monza-Brianza) which will house a more extensive range of SCM solutions together with those dedicated to finishing“.

SCM will not participate in Holz-Handwerk 2024 ultima modifica: 2023-10-26T17:19:17+00:00 da Francesco Inverso