Egger: target net zero 2050

A new “green” step by Egger, the Austrian giant specialized in wood-based panels. In fact, the group has announced its commitment to reaching the Net Zero target by 2050, announcing the development of comprehensive measures to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “As a manufacturer of wood-based materials – says Thomas Leissing, group CFO – our business model has always been linked to environmental and climate protection. Therefore, we consider it our duty to reduce our emissions that have an impact on the climate. In this way, we want to ensure that future generations will also be able to live and work sustainably with our climate-friendly wood materials”. A concrete goal for the future, but also for the present. In the financial year 2022/2023, in fact, Egger products stored 6.4 million tonnes of CO2, while 70 percent of the energy used comes from renewable sources. In this context, the group is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and aims to reach the Net Zero target by 2050 (which is to eliminate emissions from the atmosphere as fast as they are produced).

The basis of any targeted climate strategy is the transparent, verified and regular accounting and disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions that have an impact on the climate in all three areas in which they are measured,” it was explained in the press release issued on the occasion of the announcement.
Direct emissions from Egger plants (Scope 1) in 2022 accounted for 10 percent of the carbon footprint. Indirect emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2) accounted for 14 percent. Finally, 76 percent, or the vast majority, is generated as indirect emissions in the upstream and downstream (Scope 3).
It will be challenging to turn the Net Zero 2050 target into reality,” the group specified. The group’s plan includes milestones along the way. By 2030, in fact, Egger has set the following intermediate targets: to reduce direct emissions from its own plants by at least 30 percent (Scope 1), to reduce indirect emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2) by at least 40 percent, and to reduce indirect upstream and downstream emissions (Scope 3) by at least 10 percent.
Egger will also promote the purchase of electricity from renewable sources and work closely with its business partners on new technical, technological and process solutions, e.g. with regard to chemical raw materials used in the manufacture of products or with regard to transport.

Egger: target net zero 2050 ultima modifica: 2023-11-16T12:45:17+00:00 da Francesco Inverso