Hymmen: three new digital printings patents

I4F and Hymmen announced that the Us Patent and Trademark Office issued notices of allowance for the grant of two new Hymmen US patents. The patents cover digital embossing technologies delivering enhanced embossed optics on panels. At the same time, Hymmen also received a patent grant from China covering aspects of Hymmen’s award winning “DlePlus” digital embossing technology. All new Us and China patents are exclusively available via an I4F license and provide further protection for Hymmen’s state-of-the-art digital printing technologies on any type of panel material.

Digital printing is set to play a crucial role in the future of new material flooring as it enables unlimited design as well as embossing-in-register flexibility, and can be applied to a wide range of materials. This facilitates faster response times to market demands and trends while reducing material waste.

Hymmen: three new digital printings patents ultima modifica: 2022-07-18T13:30:37+00:00 da Francesco Inverso