A new management in Ima Schelling

News at Ima Schelling. The German group has announced a new “streamlining” process in the company’s management. A move that, they hope in the group, will ensure “shorter decision-making processes that can support a phase of further development“.

Christoph Geiger and Maximilian Lehner will form the new management team and join the supervisory board. Wolfgang Rohner, co-owner and currently managing director, will move to the supervisory board at the end of the year, while Andreas Bischoff, previously cso (chief security officer), is leaving the company.

Shortened decision-making channels – the company adds – and an even stronger orientation toward packages will further optimize cooperation and process efficiency for both staff and customers.

A new management in Ima Schelling ultima modifica: 2023-03-20T16:04:07+00:00 da Francesco Inverso