Blum acquires Van Hoecke

Blum, the Austrian manufacturer of furniture accessories, announced the acquisition of Van Hoecke, its representative in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, integrating it into its group, subject to regulatory approval. “The main objective is to guarantee continuity for customers, maintaining the quality of service they are accustomed to, while at the same time securing the jobs of the 360 employees of Van Hoecke who will seamlessly transfer to the Blum group,” the company explained.

Peter Van Ho ecke – the current CEO of Van Hoecke – will continue as CEO until his retirement, facilitating a smooth transition in the Blum Group, with the full support of the Van Hoecke family. Despite the integration, Van Hoecke NV, Van Hoecke Nederland BV and Halux NV will maintain their autonomy, ensuring “…uninterrupted service to customers and maintaining the standards they expect“.

Blum acquires Van Hoecke ultima modifica: 2024-02-20T09:54:17+00:00 da Francesco Inverso