“On the leading edge banding: new heights for the electronic touch”: new SCM’s event

24-25 June, the “On the leading edge banding: new heights for the electronic touch” digital event dedicated to SCM edgebanding and the latest top-of-the-range technologies for furniture and design.

The new frontiers in electronics applied to edgebanding, for a flexible, top-quality production, in response to the increasing new requirements in the areas of furniture and design. This is the central topic of “On the leading edge banding: new heights for the electronic touch”, SCM’s new digital event dedicated to the latest, top-of-the-range exclusive technologies for the world of furnishings.

The on-line event will be broadcast on 24 and 25 June, at 9.00 and 17.00 (GMT+2), will run for approximately one hour and will be in six languages (Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese). The exceptional venue is SCM’s production centre in Thiene (Vicenza), which has been the technological centre for excellence in our sector for the past seventy years with the largest range of squaring and edgebanding machines in the world. From here, the Group’s experts will illustrate the latest in Electronic Touch, with targeted presentations and demonstrations, ready to interact via chat and answer all the questions from participants.

Impeccable finishing quality from the first to the last panel, continuous machining changes, set up and processing speed, completely new devices for a perfect application of glue: these are the new horizons to focus on thanks to Electronic Touch and SCM’s exclusive new technologies pointing precisely in this directionFabio Cernoia, the Business Manager for SCM Edgebanding points out. 


A synergic and exclusive mix of technological innovations designed to meet two objectives that are key to the market: easy to use even for more complex machinings on delicate, trending materials, thanks to an automatic, flexible set-up, as well as repeatability, quality and precision of the production processes thanks to the Electronic Touch.

Y-SE 1000 Servo and Y-SE 1200 Servo end trimming units
For constant precision when cutting, irrespective of the amount and kind of panels machined, optimise machining work even on the most delicate panels, automatically control adjustments and correct any machining errors on the spot.

Round 2 Servo rounding unit
To ensure top-quality machining on any profile and optimise the processes even on three different edge thicknesses.

RC-E Multileaf glue scraping unit
Ideal for machining panels with film and softforming thanks to the automatic tool adjustment for endless film thicknesses.

New “easy cart” device: controlling and preserving the polyurethane glue has never been easier!

Polyurethane glue is increasingly becoming the glueing solution of the moment thanks also to its low-emission glue. What is the best way to manage and preserve this glue? The new “easy cart” combined with SCM squaring and edgebanding machines, guarantees excellent, simple and safe management of all the operations for cleaning, maintenance and controlled programmed preheating of the glue tanks, as well as the polyurethane glue lasting longer over time. 


SCM’s latest products for edgebanding is part of a wider, more strategic technological innovation process that focuses on four key objectives: easy to use, even in the absence of specific technical skills; ability to integrate and connect in wider production processes, governed even for entry systems from intuitive software that allows for the interconnection with other company control plants and systems; operating flexibility that suits any production requirement; availability and reliability even in the most unpredictable market contexts.

“On the leading edge banding: new heights for the electronic touch”: new SCM’s event ultima modifica: 2021-06-11T14:34:29+00:00 da Francesco Inverso